Handling fee details
1 | Description | Low income countries Seen here | Middle Income countries seen here | High income countries seen here | WAIVER for non-funded projects |
2 | Articles/Manuscripts | US$220 | US$420 | US$620 | 50% |
3 | Posters/speech transcripts | US$100 | US$200 | US$300 | 50% |
4 | Books/Lecture notes | US$1020 | US$1220 | US$1420 | 50% |
5 | Thesis/Dissertations | US$1020 | US$1220 | US$1420 | 50% |
6 | Conference proceedings or Book of abstracts | US$1020 | US$1220 | US$1420 | 50% |
7 | Institutional subscription for Manuscripts/papers | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable |
8 | Institutional subscription for Books/lecture notes, , Thesis, Dissertation | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable | Negotiable |
9 | Miscellaneous / others | ?? | ?? | ?? | Negotiable |
Article Processing Charge
We do not have any funding, to support our operations, until we get the funding we need, authors of accepted papers pay a cost-sharing token in the form of Article processing charges (APC) or handling token.
Waiver terms
- Non funded projects = 50% waiver
- Block submission (>10 articles per time) for non-funded projects = 60% waiver
- Funded projects = No waiver (0%)
- Block submission (>10 articles per time) for funded projects = 20% waiver
- Block submission from Registered institutions, payment = Negotiable
- Block submission from Registered research groups, payment = Negotiable
Handling details
Handling of the manuscript submitted for peer review consideration and publication in the Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management (SJ-BFM), needs a small financial token.
Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management (SJ-BFM), does not charge publication fees for accepted journals because we are not for the profit publication network and reviewers of submitted articles do so on a voluntary basis for free of charge. However, authors of accepted papers are advised to take part in our policy of cost-sharing of the processing and handling fee for each journal and its content.
Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management (SJ-BFM), does not have sponsorship for paper publication and services delivery of our journals, so authors are encouraged to pay some small amount of the cost of handling a manuscript from submission to publication. This applies to the list of journals covered by our editorial office.
Our waiver terms outlined above is the necessary first step to encourage non-funded privately sponsored projects to enjoy our services with no limitation. We hope to get the funding in the nearest future that will enable the Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management (SJ-BFM), to offer more waivers that will swell the volume of papers published from all parts of the world for the ultimate attainment of sustainable development for everyone.
And Handling cost
The handling or processing fee are terms used to describe the money needed to keep the editorial office running in relation to overhead costs which include but are not limited to :
- Tax
- Softwares and not for free but necessary indexing databases (DOI, CSE, etc)
- Stipend payments for logistics to volunteers, technicians, and consultants
- Large internet data from service providers and AIT time for calls
- Good antivirus
- Website hosting and associated charges (domain, lock, and others)
- Computers and accessories,
- Softwares subscription (Grammarly, plagiarism, SEO plugin, and others)
- Electricity, Utilities, local dues, and other recurrent expenses,
- Training of volunteers for an update in service delivery
As of December 2021, we can confirm that the minimum cost of handling and processing a manuscript from the authors’ submission to acceptance until it is published and maintained online is shown above. All authors are encouraged to support us by letting us know how best we can make our services useful to all stakeholders for the same ultimate goal of actualizing sustainable development.
Quality Control
Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management (SJ-BFM), is interested in publishing novel data from developing or underdeveloped countries which we know are desperately needed by the relevant stakeholders globally to make the world a better place to be. Therefore authors of accepted manuscripts from developing countries and under-developed or middle and low-income countries are therefore required to pay 50% of the minimum cost of handling and processing a manuscript from authors’ submission to acceptance until it is published and maintained online
Not for profit
It should be noted that the Special Journal of Banking, Finance and Management is not a profit publication platform designed to help all researchers from all over the world to shift or change the paradigm from “publish or perish” to “publish or publish”.
We believe every resource-oriented professional will give what it takes to succeed and no one sets out on a mission to fail or perish. Lessons learned in the past suggest avoidable and affordable challenges could have saved many important talented professionals from being pushed out of their professional system allowing them to be more vulnerable to the so-called publish or perish paradigm.
Publish or Perish
Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management wants to replace the “publish or perish” policy with publishing or publish and we would not allow anyone to perish. The principle of snowballing is one approach we think this message can be spread globally so that those in need will hear accept and embrace our mission.
Be the first to Support this initiative. Send your manuscripts at once to the Special Journal of Banking, Finance, and Management at the submit page or by email attached to editorialoffice@spparenet.org. You are therefore invited to submit your papers/manuscripts by email attachment of the entire word document to us at editorialoffice@spparenet.org or call +256700488917. We will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript within 24hrs or else send it again until ok